心疾患における血流分布と換気分布 : 肺シンチグラムによる検討
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It is well known that patients with MS have an uneven distribution of pulmonary perfusion and ventilation compared with that of normal control subjects. But the influence of the hemodynamics in different heart disease on the distribution of perfusion and ventilation is not clearly known. The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between the hemodynamics and scintigrams. (Materials and Methods) Hemodynamic parameters of pulmonary circulation in 82 patients with heart diseases and 13 normal control subjects were compared with the results of regional lung perfusion studied by Tc-99m macroaggrigated albumin, and ventilation studied by Kr-81m. Ninety five patients were grouped according to the heart diseases. Group I consisted of 32 patients with mitral stenosis (MS), group II of 19 patients with atrial septal defect and venticular septal defect (ASD & VSD), group III of 18 patients with coronary arterial disease(CAD), group IV of 13 patients with aortic regurgitation and stenosis (AR & AS), group V of 13 patients who are free from cardiac and pulmonary disease. (Results and Conclusion) 1. The ratio of upper to lower counts for the lungs, Q(U/L), should be corrected by the length of functional lung field which is demonstrated by the ventilation study with radioisotope, not by the length obtained by chest X-ray film. 2. In group I (MS), Q(U/L) was significantly high compared with other groups, and the dependence of Q(U/L) on the hemodynamic data, namely PA(m), PC(m), TPR, and PAR, was statistically significant. 3. Q/V (U/L) in group I (MS) was well correlated to alveolar-arterial oxygen gas pressure difference (A-aDO_2), and V/Q(U/L) to the vital capacity expressed as percentage of the predicted (%VC). 4. It was interesting to find that the distribution of ventilation and perfusion expressed as U/L ratio in group I (MS), were in a certain correlation between each other, though different from normal correlation so as to make these mismatching as small as possible. 5. Q(U/L) had also good correlation with V(U/L) in group II (ASD & VSD) and IV (AR & AS), but not in group III (CAD). It is an useful method for evaluating the clinical situation of heart diseases, especially in mitral stenosis to analyze the co-,relation between the Q(U/L) and V(U/L).
- 神戸大学の論文
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