徳富蘇峰と帝国日本の魂 : 「大正の青年」の使命をめぐって
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Soho Tokutomi, one of the most influential ideologists in pre-war Japan, was a convert to `the Gospel of Power (Tikarano Hukuin)'. Starting as a protagonist for free trade and peace, he changed his mind to become an Imperialist after the Shino-Japan War. Though he once proposed `Democratic Morals (Heimin Dotoku)' to Meiji youth, he suggested to Taisho youth `Loyalty to the Prince and Devotion to the Nation (Tyukun Aikoku)'. His `Soul of Imperial Japan' is not to be interpreted as a simple return to the traditional mind. He also asked others to learn from `the German Soul', `the British Soul' and `the Spirit of America'. `Civil virtue' and `self-reliance' and `time control' were essential to `the soul of Imperial Japan'.
- 2007-03-30
- 徳富蘇峰と帝国日本の魂 : 「大正の青年」の使命をめぐって
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