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Serpentinite rocks have been used for road and railroad pebbles, iron manufacture, construction materials, fertilizer and magnesium resource, and others in about 3 million tons annually in Japan. Serpentinite rocks usually contain chrysotile asbestos and sometimes tremolite asbestos. Accordingly workers related to serpentine rocks have to pay attention to prevent the exposure to the dust during works. It is, however, obscure that what amount of asbestos exists in Serpentinite rock because analytical method has not been established to quantify the content of chrysotile distinguished from the other serpentine minerals. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis has been popularly used for quantification of minerals in rocks and other materials. Serpentine minerals such as chrysotile, lizardite and antigorite show similar XRD patterns each other, but lizardite and antigorite would be able to be determined their contents by their characteristic diffraction peaks. However, it is difficult to discriminate and quantify the content of chrysotile by only XRD analysis. This study examined various analytical methods such as XRD, infrared spectrometry (1R), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as well as thermal analysis to know the content of chrysotile. The result is very suggestive that differential thermal gravimetric (DTG) analysis can measure the content of chrysotile distinguished from the other serpentine minerals effectively when they exist mixed in Serpentinite. The DTG peaks due to dehydroxylation of each serpentine appeared clearly in different temperatures because their hydroxyl ions were exhausted in different temperatures between the different polytypes. The mixed DTG curves composed of three different polytypes could be decomposed quantitatively into each one by peak deconvolution. Endothermic peaks of DTA did not appear quantitatively for each polytypes when they existed mixed because of the change of the thermal conductivity by the shrinkage of specimen volume due to the dehydroxylation. Many samples of Serpentinite rocks were examined by these methods, and we concluded that we can see the amount of each serpentine mineral in Serpentinite rocks by DTG method. The detection limit was about 5% in weight, but the accuracy would be increased if the result was determined with reference to the results by XRD and TEM analyses. At the symposium, the author introduced some application of the method to the fields of industrial health and geological science.
- 2007-02-16
- 長繊維セピオライト中の繊維状トレモライトの定量方法
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- H121 作業環境における水銀捕集法の評価 : 金アマルガム法および酸化触媒法の比較および還元気化-ICP-MS法による酸化触媒で捕集した水銀の分析法の開発
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- (7)アスベスト(3.1.2 物質から見た分野別研究,3.1 専門分野別研究,3.大気環境研究の新展開,創立50周年記念号)
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- 最近のアスベスト問題と関連のアスベスト計測方法
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- アスベストの測定法の現状と問題点
- 石綿問題の動向と石綿ばく露評価指標に関する課題(座長の言葉,産業衛生技術フォーラム:アスベストに関する作業環境管理と保護具について,地方の時代の産業保健,第79回日本産業衛生学会)
- アスベスト等繊維状物質の定量法と有害性評価法の基礎的研究とその応用(学会賞受賞講演,地方の時代の産業保健,第79回日本産業衛生学会)
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- 石綿対策の最近の動きと今後の方向 (特集 今求められる石綿対策)
- アスベストの基礎的知識 (特集 アスベスト問題に係る当面の対策)
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- アスベストとは--その特性と発がん性について (特集 アスベストによる健康障害) -- (アスベスト概論)
- シリカの物理化学的性質と作業環境測定方法
- FRAS4を用いた簡便な酸化ストレス測定法