- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to investigate the injury and reaction of the periodontal tissue caused by bacterial plaque in experimental marginal periodontitis in golden hamsters. The experimental animals were fed on the high sucrose diet (Keyes No. 2000) and vegetables for 15 weeks and 50-52 weeks, respectively. During the experimental period, these animals were permitted to coprophagy three times a week. The control animals were kept on the standard solid diet for the same period. The animals were sacrificed after 15 and 50-52 weeks and the both jaws were removed. These jaws were fixed in 10% buffered neutral formalin and macroscopically, roentgenographically (with softex-ray) and histopathologically examined. Some of them were investigated histochemically for demonstration of acid phosphatase activity, pyroninophilia, nuclear Feulgen reaction and colloidal iron reaction. The results obtained were as follows; 1. Macroscopically, marked deposition of plaque associated with gingival recession was most frequently observed on the mesiolingual aspect of the mandibular first molar after 15 weeks feeding. After 50-52 weeks feeding, the plaque deposition became much more increased and occasionally involved all mandibular molars. Generally the plaque deposition was more remarkable in the mandibular molars than in the maxillary ones. 2. Roentgenographically, the remarkable reduction in height of the alveolar bone was observed in the mesial region of the mandibular first molar after 15 weeks feeding. The reduction of the alveolar process became more advanced and occurred more extensively after 50-52 weeks feeding. 3. Histopathologically, increased deposition of the bacterial plaque was observed on the mesial surface of the mandibular first molar, and associated with exudative inflammation, deepening of the pocket, apical extension of inflammation in the pocket wall and resorption of the alveolar crest after 15 weeks feeding. The deposition of the bacterial plaque became much more increased and involved more extensively the mandibular molars, simultaneously progressive marginal periodontitis with advanced destruction of dento-gingival junction and marked resorption of the alveolar process developed after 50-52 weeks feeding. However plasma cell infiltration and macrophage proliferation were minimum both in 15 weeks and 50-52 weeks groups. These findings suggest that immunological response might be not so important for the rapid progression of the marginal periodontitis in the golden hamster. 4. The histopathological and histochemical investigation suggested that the crevicular epithelium can prevent bacterial invasion into subepithelial connective tissue and the preventive potentiality may be attributed to the lysosomal enzyme of the epithelial cells. 5. The present experimental study revealed that rapid increase in bacterial plaque can result in progressive destructive marginal periodontitis without cooperation of considerable immune response.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本歯周病学会の論文
- 1982-09-28
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