- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this study was to extract the collagenase from the healthy and inflamed gingivae and to compare their activities. Healthy and inflamed gingivae were prepared according to the following procedure. To establish the healthy gingiva, toothbrushing was continued for seven to twelve weeks. After the establishment of healthy gingiva, the left bimaxillary gingiva as the experimental side and the right as the control side were selected. In the experimental side, a floss silk ligature was placed at the cervical area of teeth to accelerate the plaque formation and the dogs were fed on the soft diet during the experimental period. In the control side, the toothbrushing was continued. Three weeks later, the bilateral gingivae were resected and used for the extraction of collagenase. Collagenase was extracted as follows: 1) by shaking for 22 hours (Fraction 1), 2) by sonication in 0.2M NaCl buffer (Fraction 2) and 3) by sonication in 1M NaCl buffer (Fraction 3) The collagenase activities of these fractions were assayed using [^<14>C] acetylated collagen as the substrate. At first, little collagenase activities were observed without treatment of the gingival extracts with trypsin, while after the treatment with trypsin significant collagenase activities were observed both in healthy and inflamed gingivae. In addition, the gelatinase activities were assayed in both samples after treating with or without trypsin. The trypsin treatment resulted in the increase of the gelatinase activities In conclusion, three extracts from the inflamed gingiva had higher collagenase activities, than those from the healthy gingiva, respectively (Fraction 1 P<0.02, Fraction 2&3 P<0.05). However, no significant difference in the gelatinase activities was observed between healthy and inflamed gingivae.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本歯周病学会の論文
- 1980-12-28
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