片麻痺擬似体験時の立ち上がり動作における重心動揺と荷重率 : 足圧分布測定器による検討(保健科学部)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of hemiplegic disability simulations. Fifteen healthy students were participated, the mean age was 21.30(SD=0.60). Subjects put on the simulation suits as right hemiplegic disability in order to limit the movement of right knee, right elbow and trunk. Subjects sat in a chair with their feet on the force plate and performed the sit-to-stand (STS) task at a self speed. We measured the body weight distribution and the center of pressure sway (COP) at medial-lateral direction(X-factor) and anterior-posterior direction(Y-factor) during STS, and compared hemiplegic disability setting with normal setting. Y-factor was significantly lower in disability setting than normal setting(disability: 69.40±24.04mm vs. normal: 85.67±27.20mm, p<0.01), and the time of STS in disability setting was significantly longer than normal setting(disability: 2.94±0.95sec vs. normal: 2.13±0.85sec, p<0.01). However, there was no significant difference in X-factor between hemiplegic disability setting and normal setting. In the disability setting, body weight on hemiplegic side was lager than normal side. The results indicated that hemiplegic disability setting simulated the difficulty of STS, but did not simulate asymmetric body weight distribution with more body weight on sound side, such as the characteristic of post stroke patients.
- 2006-03-25
田中 睦英
松田 隆治
松田 隆治
九州保健福祉大学保健科学部 作業療法学科
田中 睦英
九州保健福祉大学 保健科学部作業療法学科
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