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Japan's birthrate--the number of children each woman is expected to bear in her lifetime-has sunk to 1.29 after the consequent years of decline. Compared with the birthrate of other nations, Japan's figure is extremely low. The government has come up with a set of comprehensive measures aimed at halting the declining birthrate. The package signifies a fresh departure in the government's attempt to address the problem after the many years of trying to help women manage to work and raise their children at the same time. It calls for reconsidering the working styles adopted by men and women and providing better programs to assist women in raising their children, including those who do not work outside the home. However, I have a doubt about such a policy against a sharp drop in the birthrate. The reason is as follows. First, the policy related directly to raising up the birthrate doesn't have an after all good influence. Such a policy supports only a specific family model, and is not equal to all the families. Second, there is a danger that breaks off the help whenever the childnurturing support related to raising up the birthrate may be ineffectual. It is not a purpose of child-nurturing support to raise the birthrate, but is to raise the children healthy. In that sense, the childnurturing support related to raising birthrate should be reviewed the role, and return to the intended purpose. The Contents are as follows. I. Introduction II. Explanation of Concept III. Legal Accountability of Raising Children -Social Security Law- IV. Policy against a Sharp Drop in the Birthrate after 1990's
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