1305 最大ディプルサイズの分布と破壊挙動との関係(G03-1 き裂進展・破面解析,G03 材料力学)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Extreme value analysis has been applied to clarify the statistical nature of ductile fracture surfaces associated with fracture behavior of tensile specimens for JIS SS400 steeel. Both the notched tensile specimens with different notch acuity and the unnotched specimens were employed to obtain a wide range of stress triaxiality.The ductile fracture surfaces were composed of variously sized dimples. The extreme value probability plots of the maximum dimple sizes in a given unit area were performed to correlate the dominant feature of the ductile fracture surfaces with the fracture strains. The location parameter that defines the maximum dimple size distribution showed a clear dependence on the fracture strains of tensile specimens. The extreme value analysis of the ductile fracture surface should be recommended as a powerful tool for providing a quantitative information regarding the fracture behavior of the mechanical components.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-09-18
- G0301-6-1 切欠引張強さ比と限界ひずみ比の関係(材料力学部門一般(6))
- 1253 構造用鋼材における切欠引張強さ比の応力三軸度依存性(G03-9 材料力学(9)疲労・強度2,21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)
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- 1305 最大ディプルサイズの分布と破壊挙動との関係(G03-1 き裂進展・破面解析,G03 材料力学)
- フェライト基地球状黒鉛鋳鉄のディンプル破断面の統計的評価(G03-2 き裂・破壊,G03 材料力学)
- 1031 最大ディプルサイズの分布特性と破壊挙動との関係
- 620 構造用鋼材におけるディンプル破断面の統計的評価
- GS0802 構造用鋼材における切欠引張強さ比の応力三軸度およびひずみ硬化指数依存性(GS08-01 構造部材・強度評価1,GS08 構造部材・強度評価)