中小企業の海外進出と分業構造の変化 : アジア経済圏の動向と中小企業の対応(経済摩擦と国際秩序-パックスアメリカーナと日・韓・中の地域経済圏-,総合研究)
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Starting in the mid-eighties, or to be specific, starting with the 1985 Plaza Accord, the Asian economic region developed into an important arena for the activities of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The SMEs' purpose in moving abroad was to support their products international competitiveness through lower costs by taking advantage of the abundant low-cost labor of Asian countries. However, this movement served to bring about the hollowing out of industry and other problems in Japan, and had major effects on the business of those SMEs remaining in Japan, as well as on the overall structure of industry. Existing competition, already excessive, intensified, as domestic SMEs had no choice but to try to compete with low-cost overseas labor. This caused an even greater acceleration in SMEs' moves abroad. With the coming of the nineties, a new movement abroad by SMEs came into view. SMEs' movement into China accelerated rapidly, shaping a new regional structure of industry. The background to this new China rush differed from earlier moves abroad motivated by a search for low-cost labor, which might be described as reactive in nature. This time the motivation was proactive, a desire to be involved in the potentially huge Chinese market. However, the fact that goals were proactive rather than reactive cannot alone lead to a positive assessment of the phenomenon. In addition, the advance into China featured various problems Observing SMEs' advance into China, not only can examples of success be found, but also numerous examples of failure. The most common reason for failure pointed to is lack of a feasibility study prior to the event, but problems were not only those of the SMEs themselves; numerous external factors were also involved. SMEs, who are at a disadvantage in terms of financial and human capital relative to large firms, found themselves with a lack of resources to conduct research prior to making their advance. As such there are many cases of SMEs who found they faced an array of problems after arriving abroad. In particular, there is no shortage of examples of SMEs who got caught up in trouble in China with its differing economic system. Thus the situation of SMEs, shouldering a large number of problems and already having lost their relatively secure position in industry at home, and having no to choice but to try and find an escape route, was having to turn around and face the various problems arising from an advance abroad. Whether moving abroad or staying at home, their business faced great risks. A consideration of the meaning of these conditions points to a change in the pre-existing domestic structure of industry, and the rapid evolution of a new industrial structure encompassing a broad Asian economic region. In response to these developments two things must be considered. The first is, Japanese SMEs must reconsider their overseas investment, including their advance into China. This means reconfirming the meaning and necessity of the move overseas in a macro context. The second is, for SMEs to rethink their business and see how to respond to the currently evolving conditions in a micro context. From the results of the re-examination of these two, might not the management trends of SMEs, and by extension, Japanese industrial trends, become visible?
- 1997-03-25
- 中小企業の海外進出と分業構造の変化 : アジア経済圏の動向と中小企業の対応(経済摩擦と国際秩序-パックスアメリカーナと日・韓・中の地域経済圏-,総合研究)
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