日米の工業製品貿易に関する実証分析 : 産業内貿易と比較優位を中心として(貿易為替の自由化,総合研究)
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World trade has been growing faster than the world economy since the end of World War II, and the U.S., Europe and Japan in particular have played leading roles in this trade growth. The growth of world trade has been especially conspicuous in the manufactured goods sector. This study analyzes the trade of these manufactured goods, limiting its scope to trade between Japan and the U.S. The analysis covers an nine-year period from 1980 to 1988. The manufactured goods under study refer to Classes 5 through 8 in the SITC classification of the U.N., and the three-digit classification of the SITC is followed here. To indentify the structural characteristics of Japan-U.S. trade, the 150 product items belonging to these classes are divided into three categories according to the user industry. In this process, high-technology and technology-intensive products, which pose particular problems in the Japan-U.S. trade relations, are extracted into a separate framework, and their trade trends are also observed. In order to identify the characteristics of each individual product as a trade item, its rekealed comparative advantage coefficient, trade specilization coefficient and intra-industry trade coefficient were calculated and used as analytical tools. Their correlations were also assessed. It was discovered that items belonging to Class 5 of the SITC, which seldom are causes of Japan-U.S. trade friction, are the objects of active intraindustry trade between the two countries, but the active trading of these goods was found to have no correlation with their revealed comparative advantage. In terms of the revealed comparative advantage coefficient, Japanese products were found to be stronger in Classes 7 and 8 of the SITC, and this was particularly true with regard to labor-intensive goods. These products include many items over which trade friction arises between the two countries, and typically represent one cha racteristic awpect of Japan-U.S. trade. Japanese cases of export specialization are vividly observed in high technology and technology-intensive products, and it has been widely recognized how these items have givenrise to manj instances of trade friction. During the second half oft he 1980s, however, efforts were made to eliminate these frictions, and the ratio of Japan's manufactured goods imports increased. Various data revealed that the Japan-U.S. rtade balance improved, albeit only gradually. If the trade relations between Japan and other advanced countries are also analyzed, the characteristics of Japan's trade with the U.S. will become even more evident, but we have to await another opportunity for such further analyses.
- 1992-03-20
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- 日米の工業製品貿易に関する実証分析 : 産業内貿易と比較優位を中心として(貿易為替の自由化,総合研究)
- 日米の工業製品貿易に関する実証分析--産業内貿易と比較優位を中心として(総合研究「貿易為替の自由化」)〔含 表〕
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