公企業における経営計画モデル : AT&T社経営計画モデルの事例研究(公企業とその学際的アプローチ-行政・財政・経営・会計分野-,共同研究)
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This paper mainly provides an elaborate examination of econometric planning models of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company-AT & T, which is often referred to as a prototype in the case study of the Japanese Three Public Corporations, as a part of basic research to build-up a management planning model for future Japanese public corporations. In the preface, the author explains the flow of econometric model formulation, regarded as an authentic modern planning technique, pointing out its direction toward disaggregation from macro-economy, sectorial economy to behavioral analysis of individual management. Next, the author gives an overview on industrial model formulation for sectorial economy. Further, it is briefly described that many industrial models were formulated in the later period of the 1960's centering on nine major industries in Japan: i.e. textile, paper & pulp, glass, oil refining, petrochemical, steel, automobile, machine tool and bearings. These industrial models, disaggregated in terms of individual corporations, set a trend for formulating corporate-wide model as a tool to analyze competition among corporations and behavioral nature within a corporation. The author points out that many policy simulation models utilized as the support tool for management decision-making with an emphasis on financial activities have been popularly used in the corporate econometric model which is recently characterized as an integrated management planning model. With this view in mind, the author has specifically reviewed the structure, forecast, analysis and evaluation of FORECYT-Econometric Forecasting Model for Corporate Policy Analysis for AT & T-as a prototype of corporate econometric model for public corporate management planning centering on financial indices. [I] Model Configuration After having mentioned that the service demand for the Bell System is determined by external economic factors and that model for service supply is formulated in relation to the management policy making process, the author shows the model has a tripartiate structure: i.e. environmental model, corporate model and management model. Further, each submodel consists mainly of multiple number of modules. [II] Specification of Environmental Model The environmental model, specifying the external conditions of the Bell System, is composed of three modules. The author has given a summary of individual equation, definition and measurement of variables. [III] Specification of Corporate Model The corporate model is a central submodel of FORECYT as an econometric expression of the Bell System. Concerning this corporate model, the author has described the interacting mechanism between management policy and national economy using the estimated value of the latter as major variables. [IV] The Characteristics of the Management Model An attempt has been made chiefly to analyze which variables, such as fee rate, investment and finance, are derived from the unification of the finance mix and the factor mix and are input into the management central model. As a conclusion, in AT & T's management planning model, determinant variables of the corporate model are determined under the constraints of the environmental model in which external environments of the corporation are defined. Finally, the author points out the existence of a theoretical structure which enables the management central model to operate as a policy-decision mechanism.
- 日本大学の論文
- 1985-03-20
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