- 論文の詳細を見る
To utilize the waste biomass such as scrapped wood, bark discarded from the lumber mill or the paper factory, or driftwood to the power dam as the energy sources, an integrated system of the gasification and liquid fuel synthesis has been developed. The wooden biomass was pulverized to 1-2mm diameter particle with pin type grinder and fed into an entrained-flow type gasifier. The method of gasification was partial oxidization and methanol was synthesized through a reactor packed with Cu/Zn type catalyst. The process capacity was 2t/day (based on the supply rate of dry biomass) and steam was supplied to the gasifier in order to control the composition of syngas. Six kinds of wooden biomass including four kinds of waste biomass had been tested, and more than 60% of the heat value of input biomass could be converted to the energy of syngas. Furthermore, more than 200kg of methanol could be produced from 1 ton of dry biomass (synthesis yield was over 20 wt%). For the commercial scale system with a char recycle device and heat loss attainable to less than 1%, the energy conversion ratio and methanol synthesis yield can be increased to more than 75% and 40 wt%, respectively. Synthesized methanol is a renewable liquid energy, which can be stored and utilized as the fuel of engine, turbine, and fuel cell, or as the chemical source.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 2005-05-20
石井 弘実
武野 計二
一ノ瀬 利光
武野 計二
一ノ瀬 利光
石井 弘実
一ノ瀬 利光
三菱重工業 長崎研
武野 計二
三菱重工業(株)技術本部 高砂研究所
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