非行少年と一般少年の比較 : 性格,親子関係に関して
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the causes of juvenile delinquency by comparing juvenile delinquents and nondelinquents with respect to their character and their relationship with their parents. The subjects were 274 juvenile delinquents, that is juveniles who had received warnings from policemen, were sent to child consultation centers or a juvenile classification home, or were enrolled in a juvenile reform school, and 1,188 nondelinquent high school students. The following results were obtained: (1) There were more fatherless or motherless children, children with divorced parents, and only children among the delinquents than among the nondelinquents. (2) There were more happy families in the families of the nondelinquents than in the families of the delinquents, though the child-rearing practices of the parents of the nondelinquents were severer, more directive, and less consistent than those of the parents of the delinquents. (3) The nondelinquents had stronger wills, more endurance, and more of a sense of shame than the delinquents. (4) The nondelinquents were emotionally more stable, had a fairer standard of judgment, and attained more success than the delinquents.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1985-10-30
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