- 論文の詳細を見る
Shinbukkyoto Doshikai (New Buddhists Fellowship), founded by Koyo Sakaino et al. in 1899, was one of the unique Buddhist groups in the 20th century. Standing on their ground of Buddhist pantheism, free studies in religions, rationalism, and realistic idealism, New Buddhists aimed at the reformation of old Buddhism which had yielded under the pressure of Tenno System. They also advocated social improvement, argued the social problems, and criticized radically the educational affairs of their times, namely -"Tetsugakukan College" Affair, the Bribery Scandal Concerning Textbook Adoption (1902~03), "The Instructions about Students Morals" issued by Minister of Education (1906), and The Revision of The Japanese History Textbook (1911). Through the radical criticism, they could bring light to the defects and contradictions of the educational structure of Tenno System, because those educational affairs mentioned above were nothing but the disclosures of the contradictions of Tenno System. But their criticism was mainly focussed upon absolutism, or the older side of Tenno System, the new, capitalistic, and imperialistic side of which was beyond the scope of their criticism. After all, New Buddhists were no more than the conscientious critics of the educational structure of Tenno System.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1972-10-02
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