戦間期都市近郊における都市開発と土地整理 : 東京・玉川全円耕地整理事業を事例に
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The readjustment of arable land (kochi seiri) primarily means the re-zoning of land in order to increase agricultural productivity. However, arable land readjustment closely resembles land rezoning for housing, and many of the projects of the interwar years that were publicly referred to as the "readjustment of arable land" were actually aimed at housing development. The people of the village of Tamagawa-mura near Tokyo thought along these lines, and carried out such projects from 1924 to 1954. However, zoned residential areas did not immediately appear in Tamagawa-mura. Population increased in the eastern and the central part of the village, in the vicinity of the railroad, but other areas remained typical suburban farming communities (kinko noson). People living in these latter areas were opposed to the readjustment projects, which would decrease their landholdings. City planning by the prefectural government in Tokyo changed the situation. It introduced the view that even if the total land area were to decrease due to the construction of wide roads in accordance with arable land readjustment projects, the village would profit because the value of the remaining portions of land would rise. Residents gradually came to agree with this view, and readjustment was accepted.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 2004-03-25
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- A Land readjustment project and local community in the interwar Tokyo suburbs
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- 戦間期都市近郊における土地整理と地域社会 : 東京・玉川全円耕地整理事業を事例として
- 戦間期都市近郊における都市開発と土地整理 : 東京・玉川全円耕地整理事業を事例に
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- A Land readjustment project and local community in the interwar Tokyo suburbs
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