鳥取地方の民家 : 鳥取岡山県下における民家の研究・その1
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This paper forms a part of the studies on houses in Tottori and Okayama prefectures. These studies intend to outlook the differences between the houses in the districts along the shore of Nipponkai and those of Setonaikai at the west side of Kinki. This paper nests on the basis of the data obtained from the nesearch at Tunoimura, Kogecho, Hattocho, Wakasacho in the vicinity of Tottori City. Selecting more than 10 houses built in the 17th and 18th centuries, and restoring to their original shapes as can as possible according to the traces of original works, we explain the characteristics and the transitions of their plan and construction. The characteristics of these old houses are as following. Enery house has a oblong plan, and the front is long. One half (right or lift) is an earth floor, and in another half 3 rooms: One large hall along the earth floor, a drawing room (front side) and a bed room, (back side). In the corner (front side) of the earth floor a stable, and the back side of this stable a shed. Thus the house in devided into 4 parts: 1st diawing and bed room, 2nd hall, 3rd earth floor (a passage), 4th stable and shed. Pillars stand in the outside surrounding the house at intervals of 6.5 feet (flank and back side, and the front side of the earth floor where walls come, entervals of 3.25 feet), and on the 3 boundary lines of the 4 parts stand 3 rows of pillars. Beams are layed between these 3 rows of pillars across the rooms, and from the side pillars on to these beams. On these beams stand struts and with 3 rows of pillars support the roof beams, which are layed at intervals of 3.25 feet. On the roof beams come principal nafters and at the top of them nidge-pole.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1962-05-30
- 民家研究および保存の将来計画 (特集 日本の民家)
- 本州中部地方以西における民家の系統の研究
- 鳥取県日南町の民家 : 鳥取・岡山県下における民家の研究・その2
- 鳥取地方の民家 : 鳥取岡山県下における民家の研究・その1
- 5038 能勢地方における民家平面の変動過程(歴史・意匠)
- 5037 能勢地方民家の平面と構造の古形式(歴史・意匠)
- 5024 奈良県五条市町家平面の型(歴史・意匠)
- 5023 奈良県五条市町家の編年と建築的変遷(歴史・意匠)
- 441 元興寺北室の間取の変遷
- 18.大安寺南大門、中門及び回路の発掘
- 507 西大寺東西両塔(意匠・歴史)
- 社寺建築 (戦後20年の建築史研究成果と課題 : 主として今後の展望について (研究協議会テーマ)) (日本建築学会近畿大会)
- 中世における建築内部空間の変質過程 (日本建築の空間論的展望)
- 日本民家集落博物館(学界情報)
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- 最近における飛鳥時代寺院遺跡の発掘 : 特に飛鳥寺の発掘の意義
- 510 飛鳥寺の諸門及び東西金堂(意匠・歴史)
- 文化財における修理の考え方と技術
- 岡山県美作西部地方の民家 : 鳥取,岡山県下における民家の研究・その3
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- 奈良時代寺院僧房の研究 (主集 昭和48年日本建築学会大賞・昭和47年度日本建築学会賞)
- 奈良地方の寺院建築遺跡 (建築遺跡調査の最近の発展とその成果)