- 論文の詳細を見る
Although lowering temperature by cooling the great vessel which runs a hypodermic shallow place is a method performed at the time of a heat disorder, since it is complicated, man's regulation mechanism of body temperature of whether temperature falls is not clear. Two healthy college students were made into the subject in this experiment. By cooling the great vessel which runs a hypodermic shallow place, it experimented in how much temperature is lowered. As an index of core temperature, the temperature of external acoustic meatus was measured and the temperature of the skin was measured as an index of a peripheral shell temperature. The picture obtained from thermography was analyzed and a peripheral skin temperature was measured. A measuring method stuffs ice into the ice back, and cools directly the neck to which a great vessel runs the portion shallow from the surface of the skin, axillar and inguinal region. Cooling time was made into 20 minutes by the longest. The position of a cooling part and a temperature measurement part set up eight conditions. It observed how much the neck would be cooled and core temperature and a peripheral shell temperature would change It observed how much axillar portion would be cooled and core temperature and the skin temperature of the upper extremity would change. It observed how much inguinal portion would be cooled and core temperature and the skin temperature of lower limb would change. Temperature change when cooling the neck, axillar portion, and inguinal portion simultaneously was measured. Next, the subjective symptoms in these conditions were recorded. The fall tendency was not looked at by the skin temperature of the limbs made into the peripheral index, and the temperature of external acoustic meatus made into the index of the core temperature. And as for such temperature, the upward tendency was felt a little. However, in the analysis of the skin temperature by thermography, the fall of temperature accepted by the tip from the cooling portion. And the extent accepted so notably that it goes to a tip. It is thought that this experiment may have become the factor from which a cooling act raises temperature since it is not not high temperature environment but the situation which carried out the temperature rise again, either. Moreover, a possibility of having become the factor to which cooling in a great vessel reduced blood temperature, and lowered temperature can be considered.
- 東海大学の論文
- 2006-03-31
中村 豊
金子 雅明
吉田 早織
筒井 稔久
金子 雅明
中村 豊
筒井 稔久
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