コンピュータディスプレイ上での回答に特異性はあるか : 電子調査と質問紙調査の比較
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the current research was to replicate, with samples different from the original, a finding from an electronic survey research (Kakimoto, 1997): a larger deviation of the response to the questions presented on the computer display, compared to that on an ordinary questionnaire. Two studies were conducted to this aim. The first study used a sample different from the original in language use, nationality, and academic affiliation. The second study utilized an experimental design that involved control of the respondent's self-focus amount, the variable expected to interact with the assumed psychological states to produce the effect. Furthermore, the method to display electronic questionnaire was improved in the second study to match better the ordinary questionnaire. The both studies, however, did not lead to a clear replication of the original finding.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 2005-03-31
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