小児看護実践の中に「遊び」を取り入れる必要性を理解するための授業の工夫とその検討 : 小児病棟実習での「遊び」を取り入れた援助との比較から(看護科)
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This paper shows the comparison between some ideas in the class in order to learn the necessity for introducing the "Children's Play" into the exercise of pediatric nursing and the cares, which was introduced the "Children's Play" into, by students attended the class. As the results, it is suggested that the following items should be introduced into the contents of the class. 1) Necessity to think the "children's play" based on a development stage, such as a baby, or the first part of infant, or the second part of infant, or school children. 2) Necessity of the exercise for a play using by the body of nurse as a means of communication with a baby. 3) Necessity to set up an opportunity for thinking of a communication method and a play with school children. 4) Importance to evaluate the care, which introduced the "Children's Play" into an exercise, based on the reaction by children 5) Necessity of learning, which evaluate whether care was suitable for age, disease and / or individuality, or not, using by cases, after students had had an exercise with "Children's Play" just in the technical exercise of care
- 足利短期大学の論文
- 2006-03-01
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- 小児看護実践の中に「遊び」を取り入れる必要性を理解するための授業の工夫とその検討 : 小児病棟実習での「遊び」を取り入れた援助との比較から(看護科)