Kinetic Studies on the Yoshida Sarcoma Cells Using a Double Labeling Method
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The reason why deceleration occurs in growth rate of intraperitoneally inoculated ascites tumor cells has been investigated by using a double labeling method with ^<14>C-TdR and ^3H-TdR. From the results obtained, it is concluded that the deceleration resulted from a gradual increase in the number of cells staying in G_1 phase for a longer time. The maximum of G_1+G_2+M time of Yoshida sarcoma cells of ascites type of 2 days or 4 days of age assessed by the method presented in this paper was 16 or 19 hours, respectively. In addition, evaluation of the double labeling autoradiogram was discussed.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 1982-03-10
前川 正
土屋 純
College of Medical Care and Technology Gunma University
前川 正
College of Medical Care and Technology Gunma University
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