押出構造部材断面の最適化に関する考察 : 三次元位相最適化手法の押出形状への適用
- 論文の詳細を見る
It is of importance to optimize the cross sectional shape of an extruded structural material, while no applicable mathematical method which directly reveals the solution has ever been proposed. The present studies discussed 2 D-modifying algorithms imposed on the direct solution obtained by the conventional 3 D topology optimization method to validate the extrusion shape. The algorithms were applied to a sample problem of optimizing a cross sectional shape of a truck rear bumper made of aluminum extruded material to satisfy the load conditions (span=880 and 1500mm having different stress concentration) with respect to the minimum bumper weight. The authors proposed three algorithms; 1) to calculate the pure average density distribution over the extrusion axis on the cross section, 2) to employ the maximum density along the extrusion axis for each cross sectional position, and 3) to calculate the weighted average density distribution on the cross section considering the stress concentration. It was concluded that the expected solution as the extrusion shape can be obtained after its characteristics and yardstick suggested by algorithms 1) and 3), and that the algorithm 2) which is quite sensitive to the extent of stress concentration on the structure well suggests the detailed shape that should be under large stress concentration. Discussions on the characteristics suggested by the algorithms are of great value to introduce general information for optimizing the cross section of an extruded structure.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-02-25
佐賀 誠
佐賀 誠
直井 久
菱田 博俊
直井 久
法政大 工
菱田 博俊
菱田 博俊
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