- 論文の詳細を見る
S. Mohri's theory of Business Administration (Keiei-gaku) is the only systematic theory ever made with the leading idea of the discipline originated by T. Ueda in Japan. Though apart from M. Weber, Mohri shows us, as a result, ideal-typically a peculiar form of business ethos, which has emerged in the process of transformation of the spirit of modern capitalism in Weber's meaning; - sustenance of earning power of business (business sustenance) as the ethos of the contemporary type of business characterized as going-concern. This idea of Mohri, derived from his theory of 'fixation of business enterprise' and of consequent 'alteration of business ethos' towards those more and more long-range sighted, may be seen as a supplementary proposition to Weber's observation on the transition of capitalistic spirit from puritanistic to utilitarian. More correctly, it adds a new phase to Weber's notion of utilitarianization of capitalistic spirit as the effect of 'technical-economic condition' or 'mechanical and machine production', - a notion borrowed, partially of course, from materialistic assertion of 'Unterbau und Oberbau'. According to Weber, mechanical and machine production, once decisively affected in its origin by puritanical capitalistic spirit, developed into economic systsem as a 'coscoms', where it now began to manifest itself as the basis of this and exert in its turn determinant influence upon the spirit, making this utmost utilitarian element of the cosmos, with the overwhelming pressure of the competition for survival. Mohri's idea of fixation of capital and labour, each resulting from machinization of production and labour-movement, and that of corresponding fixation of business also, indicate a specific phase of the development of Weber's 'mechanical and machine production', here rather widely understood so as to comprehend also industrial relations. And Mohri's idea of the historical change of the concrete forms of profit-principle towards those longer-range sighted, as the effect of fixation of business, suggests a peculiar sphere of transformation of capitalistic spirit under the influence of mechamical and machine production. In Japan, where Mohri's study must be said to be the most important among the studies of business ethos, modern capitalistic system was imported just as the outcome of, but without, puritan capitalistic spirit so that, as the main factor of this ethos, especially utilitarianism and economic rationality were highly appreciated. Mohri's idea, obseved here, indicates also the increase in morality in profit-principle of business, whereas Weber asserted its decrease in the capitalistic spirit. This seeming cortradiction may be resolved, when we consider the former notion as a partial amendment of the latter which Weber himself admitted to be a rough observation of a certain piece of complex economic facts and accordingly to permit more concretizations. In the long-ran, however, it seems that morality in capitalistic spirit decreases together with the deterioration of social meaning of commodity production. Then, does Mohri's appreciation of Keiei-gaku lose its basis? This needs some more considerations.
- 2006-02-24
- M.ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(十二)
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- M.ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(十)
- M.ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(八)
- M.ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(七)
- M.ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(六)
- M. ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(五)
- M. ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(四)
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- 学問へのレクイエム