- 論文の詳細を見る
Shigetaka Mohri appreciates academic study because of its contribution to the prgress of society, and especially study of business management (Keiei-gaku) of its assistance to the development of social economy. This view is, of course, on the one hand, Mohri's confession of his valuation in majoring Keiei-gaku, on the other, the expression of his confidence in the 'demand of industrial society' upon his speciality, the demand which he believes to be his professional duty to answer; he distinguishes this from that in vulgar meaning which seems to ask Keieigaku for variety of mean management technics; the latter he refuses to fulfill, though he does not reject but, on the contrary, highly evaluates management technologies just as parts of Keiei-gaku. In their early days and long after, such studies as Keiei-gaku in Japan, which began originally with T. Ueda's 'Business Economies', 'Betriebswirtschaftslehre' in Germany and 'Management Theory' in U. S. A. were all oriented to the betterment of society; this inclination of the latter two seems to have derived in the main from 'the spirit of modern capitalism' which, impelled by Calvinistic religious mind (Religiositat), had emerged as the 'Puritan' spirit of 'sacrificing oneself for his calling' and then gradually lost its religious character at last to be taken place by that of utilitarianism, whereas the spirit underlying Keiei-gaku seems to have different cause which is not known clearly even now. Japan imported the modern capitalism in the period of Meiji but not its spirit (the trial, if executed, would have experienced tremendous difficulties). Japan had spirit of its own similar to that of Western modern capitalism; it might have been such a spirit as nourishing industrious labour for improvement of society, which facilitated the acceptance and development of the modern capitalism, and was the spiritual basis on which Keiei-gaku had been constructed. However, this was not understood even by university professors who majored in other disciplines than Keiei-gaku, with their persistent prejudice to business, and so biased view on Keiei-gaku; they presumed this to be a study of mere technics for making money, and this view was enhanced in accordance with the Post-War boom of Keieigaku and resulting vulgarization of it to the mere conglomeration of management technics. Now the trend of this 'technomania' has spread widely all over the social sciences; graduate school, once with academic feature, is now a sort of pragmatic organization where people are trained to be clever economists or businessmen with various social technologies. Mohri has been warning against the trend towards technomaniazation of Keiei-gaku. For him study of simple management technologies can not reply to the real demand of industrial society; any of sheer technics cannot be rational nor effective for business; its rationality is only to be decided by business policies derived from some business ethos, so the study of the ethos is the real demand of industrial society upon Keieigaku which then, relating means to the end, may suggest business rational management technics as well as their use, and so contribute, directly, to the development of business, indirectly, to the betterment of industrial society. Mohri's view, explained above, presupposes the relation between business and society that the development of the former brings the progress of the latter, and so he presumes that the ethos of business is the same as the ethics of business. However, he admits, today with the phenomenon of increasing concentration of ecocnomic power there exists strong doubt about the premise, and for him this means the serious crisis of Keiei-gaku, because it deprives the students of their willingness to study Keiei-gaku seriously. Fortunalely, Mohri is convinced, the doubt does not mean the collapse of business ethics (if so, it may come soon the end of functioning industrial society) but rather their sway; the ethics are now in the process of historical transformation, and so their figure is not apparent even to business men. The ethics here do not mean those of society which are forced to business from outside to perform, but those of business which are immanent and voluntarily executed; the ethics are the necessity for the life of business which may survive and prosper only with functioning society. So the investigation of business ethics is the urgent need of industrial society and the main task of Keiei-gaku.
- 2004-03-25
- M.ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(十二)
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- M.ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(九)
- M.ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(十)
- M.ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(八)
- M.ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(七)
- M.ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(六)
- M. ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(五)
- M. ヴェーバーの「プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神」(四)
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