- 論文の詳細を見る
The fuel cell can be described as a chemical battery that can convert hydrogen directly into electricity without burning hydrogen. While there are several types of fuel cells that function in a variety of applications, the polymer electrode fuel cell (PEFC) is suitable for use ranging from room temperature to 90℃. The PEFC consists of an electrolyte, an anode, and a cathode. Hydrogen (fuel) is fed into the PEFC at the anode, where the electrons are detached from the protons. The electrons move through a wire connecting the anode to the cathode, creating an electric current. In this study, the hydrogen fuel including nitrogen was used as a fuel gas of PEFC, and the flow type fuel gas feed method with which a fuel gas is passed onto the anode in the narrow space was applied. The performance of PEFC is generally decreased by using this mixture gas. However, performance characteristics which were almost equal to use of pure hydrogen fuel could be obtained by using this fuel gas feed method.
- 岐阜工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2006-03-01
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