An Experimental Study of the Effect of Aroma on Brain Activity : Can We Relax by Just Smelling Aroma?(人間心理学科)
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The present study investigated the relationship between olfactory stimulation and brain activity. In Experiment 1, points in a darts performance test and EEC were measured, comparing odor and control conditions, and the results showed a statistically significant increase in darts performance and in the power of brain waves. In Experiment 2, EEG was measured after a certain time interval. The relationships between aroma preference and the subjects' emotional state, and the influence of aroma on electrocortical activity, were also investigated. Alpha 2 dominated the electrocortical activity and beta levels decreased 12 to 18 minutes after aroma stimulation. The aroma preference and the subjects' emotional state were not found to have had a significant influence on the effectiveness of aroma. These findings suggest that aroma stimulation is an effective way to produce a UMB state, and is furthermore a very practical method for use in realistic settings.
- 聖泉大学の論文
- 2006-03-05
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