- 論文の詳細を見る
Thirty female undergraduates were given a central and incidental learning task with twelve pairs of word. In the task, the subjects studied one of each pair with focused attention (central learning) and the other with divided attention (incidental learning). Half of the pairs were presented under spaced condition and another half under massed condition. Each pair repeated three times. The spaced pairs were presented with four to seven pairs intervening between occurrences and the massed pairs with no pairs. Immediately after the presentation, the subjects were given a free recall test. To examine selective attention in the presentation period, the numbers and the durations of eye fixation were recorded. Main findings were as follows; (1) spacing effects were observed in central learning condition but not in incidental learning condition, and (2) the records of eye fixation showed that the subjects focused their attention to central learning stimuli and there were no differences between spaced and massed conditions. Authors discussed the findings largely in terms of the two-process account proposed by Greene (1989).
- 日本基礎心理学会の論文
- 2001-03-31
- 教科学習に困難を示す子どもたちへの教育支援
- 子どもの願い・希望
- 学習場面に認知・記憶研究はいかに貢献できるか? : 理論と実践
- 教育心理学からみた「新しい学力観」
- 認知心理学者 教科教育を語る
- 叱り・叱られをコミュニケーションとしてとらえる
- 学習環境をデザインする
- 学習環境をデザインする(準備委員会企画シンポジウム1)
- DH01 新しい学力観
- 記憶の分散効果に関する研究の展望
- 教育心理学の学校教育への貢献 : 学力と評価を中心に(準備委員会総会記念講演)
- [講演]演題「これからの指導と評価の在り方」
- 中心・偶発学習課題における分散効果と選択的注意
- 教育的動機づけ論の提唱
- 「関心・意欲・態度」の評価は行われているか
- 「教育心理学者からみた現代の学校教育の諸問題」(II 教育心理学者からみた現代の学校教育の諸問題)
- 教育心理学者からみた現代の学校教育の諸問題
- 意味的手がかりによる選択的注意と分散効果の関連性(研究発表A,VII.第19回大会発表要旨)