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Decreasing of the reducing agent rate can be expected by using the high reactivity coke to the blast furnace. However, it is predicted that the reaction form of the coke and permeability in the blast furnace change. In this study, three kinds of coke were used for the solution-loss reaction and the smelting reduction experiments. The coke strength which was evaluated by using I-type tumbler after each reaction was different, even if these reaction quantities were equivalent. In addition, the effect of the solution-loss reaction on the coke degradation was larger than that of the smelting reduction. On the basis of these experiments, the coke strength after direct reduction and results of the blast furnace operation with high reactivity coke were quantitatively estimated. According to the calculation of the operation with high reactivity coke, decreasing the coke rate and increasing the productivity by decreasing pressure drop in the blast furnace are expected.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 2006-12-01
宇治澤 優
砂原 公平
宇治 澤優
夏井 琢哉
宇治澤 優
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