12) 保温材に關する研究(1) : 圓筒法による保温材の傳熱導率測定法並びに線状纎維質保温材と粒状保温材の熱傳導率に及ぼす物理的性質に關する考察について
- 論文の詳細を見る
a. In this report the author gives the cylindrical method in the experimental research of the thermal conductivities of insulators. This method can be applied to the installed insulators on pipe and to the prefabricated cylinder type insulators. b. By this method the thermal properties of the plain insulators of single or several layers can also be measicred. For this purpose equivalent thickness of the cylindrical layer was introduced. This equivalent thickness is thinner than that of the actual plane insulator or insulating wall, which makes the experiment easier toan the plane method for rather thick walls. c. A study of physical properties of fiber shape and grain shape insulators was made. As the fiber shape, rockwool long and short fiber, were taken. As the grain shape, porocell was taken; porous ceel, which is made of obsidian and has the structure similar to pumice stone. True specific weight, apparent density, % voids, distribution of diameters of fibers, average diameters, weight of grains included in fibers, were examined. These factors have influences upon thermal conductivities and the gradients of them. d. The result is: The average values of diameters of fibers are the less, the thermal conductivities become the lower, the curves of thermal conductivities according to the average temperatures, have minimum values when the apparent densities stand near 0.30/cm^3 for two kinds of insulators. When the apparent densities are nearly equal, the gradients of the curves of thermal conductivities become steep, as the % void increases.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1951-02-20
- 3059 煙突なしストーブの必要換気量について (2)
- 建築施設の共同化による環境改善 : 環境衛生 : 空気・熱・光・芥処理 (都市環境特集)
- 65 吸音材によるダクト内騒音の減衰について
- 「法と建築」 (主集 法と建築)
- 大賞をいただきましたお礼の言葉 : 小生の研究・教育生活の回顧(日本建築学会大賞)
- 健康の理念と健康生活を守る建築環境工学 (主集 都市環境と建築学(I) : 都市の物理的環境を中心として)
- 協議会の趣旨(環境工学 健全な都市環境を考える,主集 46年度近畿大会「研究協議会」課題)
- 31 室内における粉じん発生量(第4部 環境工学)
- 320 興行場内室内気候について : 夏季館内空気の垂直温度分布測定
- 9 都市生活者の居住条件と健康,精神衛生に関する調査報告 : (1)住居調査の結果について(第5部 防火・経済・都市計画)