国際分業と事業構造の変革 : グローバル戦略における比較優位の創出
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In the time of rapid progress of WTO system and regional economic permeation in East Asia, the idea of international division of production and labor should be highlighted not only from the perspective of macro international economy, but also from the viewpoint of international allocation strategy of global firms. This paper will take the issue of international division of production and labor at firm level. We statistically examined the hypothesis that Japanese global firms have organized discriminative and/or complementary relations among their locations and that these relations have played important role in driving the restructuring process of domestic business and maintaining the level of domestic production. Moreover the relations have also made good effects on intra-firm trade and contributed to the creation of comparative advantage on domestic production side. Behind this mechanism, there seem to be strategic behavior of global firms, behavior not only just responding to the external change of comparative advantage, shifting their production oversea in the short-term economic calculation, but also creating internal comparative advantage and shifting the pattern of resource allocation toward competitive field in the long-term perspective. This structural shift is backed up with their rationale that the priority of internal advantage creation in mother country will ultimately be significant for survival in the long-run global competition. However without this rationale, keeping domestic production just in the name of employment will lead the firms to the danger of drastic layoff.
- 日本経営学会の論文
- 2002-03-30
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