- 論文の詳細を見る
Nowadays, There are stomy arguments on reconsideration about learners' learning in pedagogy. Constructivism is often adopted in making theorical basis. Constructivism is the position which argues that knowledge is constructed by a subject. This position is not peculiar to pedagogy, but is spread over several theory-areas. So, Constructivism which is adopted into pedagogy, can not exactly establish its identity there. The argument of constructivism has been consistently under discussion in pedagogy for a long time. So, in this study, I make the new education (Reformpädagogik), as a clue to position constructivism in pedagogy, and will treat a relation between constructivism and the new education. Klein, K. and Oettinger, U. touched the similiarity between constructivism and the new education from three points, 'student- orientation', 'emphasis on acts' and 'Teachers' role as a companion'. Furthermore, I formed a hypothesis that I might get hints to enter to today's educational reform in this study.
- 広島大学の論文
- 2004-03-28
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