幼児のジェンダーアイデンティティ形成過程とその要因(第2部 委員会報告)
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In child care institutions, it is essential to create an environment in which there is no gender bias in order for children to develop their own gender identity naturally. Parents or kindergarten teachers' intentional and unintentional influences can cause distortion of an infant's personality and intention. An infant doesn't recognize his/her gender identity clearly when he/she enters kindergarten, although the child has probably been influenced by parents and mass-media already. Birth order, family life and TV programs often affect gender identity. An infant recognizes and accepts his/her gender identity in the process of forming that identity through experiences with the same age friends. The author realized that it is the best way for this research to grasp the situation of an infant's individual process of forming his/her own identity in detail. An infant's gender identity develops as a reflection of the gender view held by people in his/her surroundings. Therefore parents and teachers should be made aware of this and create an open environment that avoids gender bias.
- 日本保育学会の論文
- 2005-12-25
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