どう教える?「木は生きている」 : 子どもの内面形成に関心を寄せ続ける保育者の姿(第1部<特集>人的環境としての保育者)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This is a study about the relationship between a two four-year-old children and a caregiver who is part of their human environment. The two children's play activities were observed during this research into childcare practice, focusing on a caregiver's interpretation and interaction method of play. The children were trying to defeat a tree which they regarded as a monster. The caregiver found it very important to pay attention to the quality of children's images and thoughts in their play. The children also tried to respond to their caregiver's wishes. The result suggests that it is necessary for caregivers to delve into their charges' formation of images and thoughts. It seems appropriate to regard such a caregiver as a good example of the ideal "human environment" for the development of children.
- 2004-08-30
- これからの保育カリキュラム研究の視点を探る (2) : 実践を土台に保育カリキュラムの構造化を考える
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- 271 保育カリキュラムを創る 〔IV〕 : 「お店屋さんごっこ」を例として、幼児の「遊び」と「学び」の接点を探る (1)
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- 020 教育課程をつくる III : 教育課程(表)をつくる
- 教育課程を創る II : 各学年の保育のポイントを考える
- 001 教育課程を創る I : 教育目標と実践のつながりを考える
- どう教える?「木は生きている」 : 子どもの内面形成に関心を寄せ続ける保育者の姿(第1部人的環境としての保育者)
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- 355 保育所理念の将来像を探る : 日加の国際比較から〔I〕・目的と方法
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