ケース・スタディ・ハウス・プログラムにおける「空間的広がり」 : 場所に根差す感覚をもつ「戦後住宅」のキー・コンセプトとして
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the concept of "spaciousness" and it's spatial composition evident in the Case Study House Program (CSHP, 1945-1966). Even though the motivation for the CSHP was to create a mass-producible industrial house, this key concept of the new living quality is considered to be associated with the sense of rootedness. The concept of spaciousness meant to extend the living space beyond the substantial boundary of the house to the surrounding environment. The four important designing elements of spaciousness are view toward landscape, platform, flat roof and open wall. These elements create spacious physical living spaces integrated with the environment.
- 2006-06-30
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