国立科学博物館所蔵河村コレクションの研究 VIII : 小笠原諸島産ヒノデニシキガイの 1 新種
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A 'Hinnites' species from Ogasawara Islands, Japan, hitherto identified with Hinnites corallinus Sowerby, 1827 is different from the west African species H. corallinus and is new to science. Therefore, we describe the species under the name of Chlamys ('Hinnites') boninensis. Chlamys ('Hinnites') boninensis Dijkstra and Matsukuma, n. sp. Cemented on a colony of coral Montipora in 10 m deep. Shell medium, approximately 42 mm in height, thin. Juvenile Chlamys-stage 16-21 mm high. In left valve, anterior and posterior auricles nearly equal in size, ornamented with a shagreen microsculpture. Outer surface of both valves ornamented with Camptonectes microsculpture. Type locality : Chichijima Island, Ogasawara Islands (lat. 27°N, long. 142°E). Typology : All type materials stored in National Science Museum, Tokyo. Holotype, NSMT-Mo 69619 ; paratypes, NSMT-Mo 69622 to 69624. Remarks : The new species differs from the following species by the possession of thinner shell with the shagreen microsculpture : Hinnites corallinus, H. absconditus from western Africa, and Crassadoma gigantea from the northeastern Pacific. These three species have thicker and larger shells, occasionally exceeding 140 mm in height, and lack the shagreen sculpture. Although this new species differs from Australasian Eocene to Miocene 'Hinnites' species in shell shape, the shagreen sculpture is a characteristic common to Japanese and Australasian species.
- 日本貝類学会の論文
- 1993-10-31
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- 国立科学博物館所蔵河村コレクションの研究 VIII : 小笠原諸島産ヒノデニシキガイの 1 新種
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