Unitary Representations of the Hyperfinite Heisenberg Group and the Logical Extension Methods in Physics
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University
Ojima Izumi
Research Institue For Mathematical Science Kyoto University
Department of Mathematics, College of General Education, Nagoya University
Ozawa Masanao
Department Of Mathematics College Of General Education Nagoya University
Ozawa Masanao
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Northwestern University
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
- Local Covariant Operator Formalism of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories and Quark Confinement Problem
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XII : Extended Superalgebra and Its Spontaneous Breakdown
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Formulation of Yang-Mills Field Theories. II : SU(2) Higgs-Kibble Model with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Formulation of the Yang-Mills Field Theories. I : General Formalism
- Quark Confinement with a Regular Cutoff
- Temperature as Order Parameter of Broken Scale Invariance
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XI : Structure of Spontaneous Breakdown of the Superalgebra
- Color Confinement in Quantum Chromodynamics : Particles and Fields
- Spontaneous Breakdown of Fermion Number Conservation in Two Dimensions
- Unitary Representations of the Hyperfinite Heisenberg Group and the Logical Extension Methods in Physics
- Remarks on the Robinson-Greenberg Theorem and Fundamental Properties of the Asymptotic Field
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Formulation of Yang-Mills Field Theories.III : Pure Yang-Mills Theories without Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
- Color Confinement in Quantum Chromodynamics. II : Particles and Fields
- Cat Paradox for C*-Dynamical Systems : Invited Papers
- Boolean valued interpretation of Hilbert space theory
- Channel Operators and Quantum Measurements
- Boolean valued interpretation of Banach space theory and module structures of von Neumann algebras : Dedicated to Professor Tosiyuki Tugue on his sixtieth birthday
- A classification of type I AW*-algebras and Boolean valued analysis
- Phase operator problem and infinitesimal analysis
- Conditional Probability and A Posteriori States in Quantum Mechanics
- Cat Paradox for C$^\ast$-dynamical systems
- Another BRS Transformation
- Who has seen a free photon? (量子科学における双対性とスケール)