棄却サンプリング連鎖を用いた場合の周辺尤度の推定 : 誤差項にt分布を仮定した自己回帰モデルを例に
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we introduce Accept-Reject Metropolis-Hastings (AR-MH) Sampling and explam how to estimate the parameters of the auto regressive model, whose error terms obey t distribution, by the AR-MH sampling. Then we introduce how to estimate marginal likelihood, when parameters are estimated by AR-MH Sampling. As example, we simulate the data from the auto regressive model, whose error terms obey t distribution, and estimate both the parameters and marginal likelihood.
- 2006-07-31
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- 棄却サンプリング連鎖を用いた場合の周辺尤度の推定 : 誤差項にt分布を仮定した自己回帰モデルを例に
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