総合科目「現代都市論」のための『ビデオ・アーカイブ』 : 教育研究リファレンスとしての映像メディア(授業実践・教材開発)
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It has passed almost several years, since we, as a teaching group, began to teach 'The Urban Contemporary Study' in a frame of General Education in Niigata University. Meanwhile we have sometimes discussed to develop the contents of the subject. It is needless to say that this study is very important for the students who gather from various faculties. Because it is very important for them to know many problems about 'urban studies' for example : an improvement of social infrastrucutre, defending to disasters, facilities, more comfortable environment of living in cities, many reformations of concerning laws, polusion of natural environment. One can say that many problems that a human being faces to in modern life are involeved in to a uraban studies. This paper is a new research which follows the latest paper (1996). This time, it is so characterized that the concerinig TV Programs were introduded in this paper as possible as we could find and accumulated as video tapes. More than hundred programms concerning to the subject can be used as a teaching material and many researchers in this subject can refer if they want to know more real and visual problems about cities. With this reason we have named this paper 'Visual Media' as a reference for study and research : so called 'Video Archives'. And this paper is also based upon a financial support that was decided by General Education Centre of Niigata University. We have much thanks to the staffs in this centre.
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