子育てにおける「抱える」ということ : 不登校児の保護者の面接から(学校教育臨床研究)
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Parents should have the holding mind in child rearing. Holding mind is mainly consisted of standing for children, having determined mind and reconsidering the standard to estimate children. The standing point of child rearing should be not on parent's convenience but on children. The having determined mind means to make up their mind to help children any time, and only seek to satisfy their basic needs and holding them as they are. The reconsidering the standard is to set the least standard for children to achieve, not noticing the relative position of them among peers. It would be desirable for every member in family to have the hold child rearing. If parents would abandon their extra expectations for children, in return children would come up to their expectations. In conclusion, it would be needed for us to hold children, watching them affectionately and standing closely for them.
- 山口大学の論文
- 2003-03-31
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