- 論文の詳細を見る
Hypericum penthorodes Koidz. was described in 1929 based on only one character that inflorescences elongate like tentacles and bear many flowers. Hitherto, it has been treated as an independent species by many taxonomists. The author, however, cast a doubt on the taxonomical entity of H. penthorodes as a species, because the extent of the species and the phylogenetical relationship to other species of the genus Hypericum still remain uncertain. To test the taxonomical significance of the diagnostic character of Hypericum penthorodes mentioned above and to elucidate whether or not H. penthorodes really exists as a species, observations of transition of number of capsules during 3- or 4-years cultivation, analyses of such morphological characters as capsule and leaf shapes and cross experiments were performed. As a result, the following two facts were revealed. (1) The character that inflorescences elongate and bear many flowers can not be a genetically stable character and, therefore, it is impossible to discriminate any taxa based on this character. (2) "H. penthorodes" is composed of two distinct entities: one is identical to H. pseudopetiolatum R. Keller except that the former has elongated inflorescences and bears many flowers, and the other to H. erectum Thunb. Consequently, it seems safe to conclude that "Hypericum penthorodes" is a mixture of extreme variants of H. pseudopetiolatum and H. erectum and, therefore, does not exist as a taxon at any rank.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1986-12-25
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- タコアシオトギリは種として実在するか?