心筋梗塞巣における「虚血誘導蛋白(HSP-70, VEGF)」の発現 : 特に,TUNEL染色陽性細胞との関連について
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The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and heat shock protein 70 (HSP-70) was studied immunohistochemically in human autopsy cases in acute myocardial infarction foci, where infarcted myocardial cells of apoptotic character, including contraction band necrosis, and those of non-apoptotic character were examined respectively. The TdT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) method was used to detect an apoptotic nature. Immunohistochemical staining of VEGF and HSP-70 proteins was positive or weakly positive in the infarcted myocardial cells with pathological evidence of Stage I by the classification by Lodge-Patch. In the infarcted myocardial cells of Stage II, these proteins were stained weakly positive or negative. In the infarcted myocardial cells of Stage III and IV, staining was completely negative. The infarcted myocardial cells showing contraction band-necrosis, which is believed to be induced by ischemia/reperfusion, and that have an apoptotic nature, were stained positive for VEGF and HSP-70 in Stage I. However, in Stage II, the staining for VEGF and HSP-70 was weakly positive or negative. In Stage III, the staining for them was negative. The expression of VEGF and HSP-70 detected by immunohistological methods showed no differences in sequential changes in infarcted foci between the apoptotic myocardial cells and the non-apoptotic myocardial cells.
- 愛知医科大学の論文
- 2004-06-15
伊藤 元
池田 洋
池田 洋
竹尾 友宏
伊藤 元
伊藤 元
笠井 謙次
池田 洋
竹尾 友宏
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