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Dysphagia, eating dysfunction, is showed as a symptom in many diseases such as the apoplexy. The dentists who are engaged in the oral health have to concern the dysphagia rehabilitation actively. In the rehabilitation, the appropriate diagnosis and the evaluation are necessary and they are accomplished by the comparison with the normal function and/or the appropriate evaluation methods. It is helpful when the evaluation of eating function, dividing it into 7 steps as follows ; 1. The recognition phase. 2. The food intaking 3. The food processing (mastication) 4. Bolus formation 5. Swallowing oral phase. 6. Swallowing pharyngeal phase 7. Swallowing esophageal phase. The purpose and the methods of the rehabilitation become clear by confirming in which step dysfunction are occurred. After doing outside observation of eating and/or screening tests such as the water swallowing test in the bedside, a close examination, the videofluorography (VFFS) and/or the endoscope inspection (VE) and so on are implemented. The actual rehabilitation concludes 1. food environment guide 2. The food content guide 3. The functional training, and they are combined as necessary.
- 奥羽大学の論文
- 2004-06-30
- 乳幼児の口腔保健にかかわる専門職種の意識調査
- 統合失調症患者の摂食・嚥下機能と錐体外路症状との関連
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