オッカケ・グループの形成 : 日常生活領域で係わる集団における孤立と非日常的生活領域で形成する集団への同調行動
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The author surveyed the behavior and transactions of youths in 1992-1997 at a series of rock concerts performed by a "visual/gothic" band in a metropolitan area and the Kansai region. Youths regard this kind of rock concert as a "special place" and also, as one of the most popular events. In and/or around the rock concert we can see many small groups of single women, but not necessarily young. In this paper the author calls these groups "Okkake groups". Theconforming behavior of members of these groups in "special places" is discussed and analyzed by correlating it to the isolation of these women in "ordinary places", i.e., the community, school and work. Conforming behavior is classified into 4 types:A=covering only "special places", B=covering both "special and ordinary places" (wide), C=covering both "special places" and "ordinary places" (narrow), and D=little conforming behavior in "special places" and "ordinary places". From the correlation of conforming behavior in "special places" with isolation in "ordinary places", the author identifies 3 types of women:1) Those who do not conform to the group in "special places" and are not isolated in "ordinary places",2) Those who conform to the group in "special places" and are isolated in "ordinary places" ,3) Those who conform to the group in "special places" but are not isolated in "ordinary places".
- 奈良女子大学の論文
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