個別ケアの必要性について : 通所リハビリテーションにおける実践例から
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Each person has his own way of life. No one can have the exact same manner as others. However, for people with disabilities and the aging, society requires people to become accustomed to "group life" or "group action". This means "getting up at a scheduled time", "having the same meal as others at a scheduled time" and "participating in the same recreational activities with others at a scheduled time" in welfare facilities and/or daycare institutions. There seems almost no "your own pace" or "your favorite activities". Care is "helping other people live". "Living" belongs to each person individually. Although group life is important, his or her own individuality is not guaranteed if a person's life is fully integrated into group life. We clarify the necessity of individual assistance by welfare services and the importance of goal-setting activities for userl through a halfway disabled young person (No. 2-ed) [elderly-careinsurance] person) who has had no choice other than commuting to rehabilitation facilities.
- 大阪体育大学の論文
- 2004-03-24
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