Public Libraries and the Internet : Findings of the 2000 Nebraska Survey
高鍬 裕樹
Kawasaki Yoshitaka
Professor, Graduate School of Education Kyoto University, Japan
Murakami Kayoko
Graduate Student, School of Library and Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison
Takakuwa Hiroki
Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Education Kyoto University, Japan
Wertheimer Andrew
Doctoral Student, School of Library and Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison
Murakami Kayoko
Graduate Student School Of Library And Information Studies University Of Wisconsin-madison
Wertheimer Andrew
Doctoral Student School Of Library And Information Studies University Of Wisconsin-madison
Kawasaki Yoshitaka
Professor Graduate School Of Education Kyoto University Japan
Takakuwa Hiroki
Graduate Student, School of Library and Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison
Murakami Kayoko
Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Education Kyoto University, Japan
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- Public Libraries and the Internet : Findings of the 2000 Nebraska Survey
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