小・中学校教員のストレス経験 : 尺度の開発と現状分析
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The main purposes of this study were to develop a short scale which measures teachers' job-related stress simply and easily, and to investigate its reliability and validity. A questionnaire with 30 items adopted from previous studies on this topic was administered to 228 teachers at public elementary and junior high schools. Factor analysis revealed that there were two factors concerning teachers' stress. One of them was revealed by 9 items measuring Difficulty in instructing pupils and another by 10 items measuring Excessive workload / Poor working conditions. The reliability of the scale was confirmed by Cronbach's a and Spearman-Brown's coefficient. The content validity was supported by comparing results with previous related research, and the construct validity was confirmed by an exploratory and a confirmatory factor analysis. Moreover, the predictive validity was verified by investigating the relations between both kinds of stress and symptoms of burnout (emotional exhaustion). It is considered that Excessive workload / Poor working conditions holds a central position in causing school teachers' stress because of the high frequency of experience with a high-level of aversiveness.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- 2004-10-29
- 小・中学校教員のストレス経験 : 尺度の開発と現状分析
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