- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study examined the functions of redressive self-control (RDSC) in a series of failure experiences. Subjects with many (HRD-group, n=22) or few (LRD-group, n=23) behavioral repertoires of self-control participated in a learned helplessness experiment. The tasks were puzzles, some of which were easily solvable for the success experiences, whreas others were difficult or unsolvable for the failure experiences. The experiment consisted of one success session, two sets of failure sessions, and one success session. The change of psychological states and the execution of the task-orientedor non-task-oriented-RDSC in each session were analyzed. Major findings were as follows : (a) the task-oriented-RDSC increased temporarily, but decreased at once in a series of failure, (b) the non-task-oriented- RDSC was adopted more significantly in failure experiences, (c) during the failure experiences, the HRD subjects executed two types of RDSC more flexibilly than LRD subjects did. These results were discussed in terms of the in teraction of person and situation, and of the effective self-control in being exposed to a failure.
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