外側から見る眼 : ジョン・マイヤーの制度理論と教育研究における展開(文化編)
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John W. Meyer and his associates have developed their original institutional theory and accumulated the empirical research for about 25 years. This paper explains the core ideas of institutional theory and its empirical applications in several fields. The first section points out two basic characteristics of their works. First, the main concept is institutional environments that are the external sources of cognitive and normative judgments. Second, their theoretical ideas are generally supported in quantitative comparative and historical research. Meyer and his associates focus on how institutionalized elements of Western culture penetrate the nation-states, organizations and the individuals. The second section makes it clear how Meyer developed the original ideas of institutional theory in his early works. The arguments of college charters and empirical works on American elementary school organizations are examined. The third section clarifies the logic of Meyer's epoch-making papers: the legitimation theory of modern education and the theory of institutionalized organization. The fourth section explains results of empirical applications in three important research fields. First, global educational changes are generally explained by the legitimation theory of modern education. Second, American education is characterized as institutional success and organizational ambiguity. Third, American oreanizations are now forced to incorporate into their formal structures the elements in which externally reconstructed individual rights are dealth with.
- 大阪外国語大学の論文
- 1995-09-29
- 義務教育後教育体系に関する基礎的研究(その3)(一般研究 III・2部会 中等教育III)
- 1 初期キャリア形成とライフスタイル : 高校卒業生調査の分析から(III-5部会 教育と進路)
- 関口礼子 著, 『誕生から死まで : カナダと日本の生活文化比較』, 四六判, 300頁, 2,472円, 勁草書房
- 高度成長期以降の学歴とライフコース
- 外側から見る眼 : ジョン・マイヤーの制度理論と教育研究における展開(文化編)