比叡山延暦寺地域の空間構成に関する研究(IV) : 基本的空間構成要素と空間と人間との相互関係について
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This report is a part of studies on Space Organization of Hieizan-Enryakuji Temple Area located in the hillside area of Kyoto. In the first report, analysis for phenomenal systems which appears at space organization in Hieizan Enryakuji Temple area was discussed with natural systems, physical systems and visual systems. And moreover, the study was progressed to find out the systems in overlapping elements of phenomenal and cognitive systems of them. This intended to eliminate the peculiality of physical systems as the process of structurization of urban and regional open spaces to lead the foundamental consideration which menas the principle of space organization element in urban and regional open space planning. If the principle of space organization element for open space design is considered as the tool to find out the discovery of unity for space design which will be to exist, the foundamental element of space organization has to satisfy the requirement of unity in here does not mean congregation which space organization element gathers not only individually but also interdependentlly with mutual complemental bonds. The study must be considered to arrange and remodel the order of element in space organization as interdependence between natural systems, physical systems and visual systems should beintended to create more humanized space through the research of human behavior. In the second report, the relationship between out-door space and human was discussed from aspect of visual characteristic of human behavior. The organization of out-door space is to arrange the physical environmental element in organic relation. And it is very important that out-door space should be planned and designed through interdependence with human behavior which control it. Analysis for visual characteristic of space organization was discussed with making the visual zone map based on sequencial experience of out-door space according to movement of observers. The change of view through approaches for visual object and it's variation was checked at first, then discussed the process of space organization from the cognition of foundamental visual pattern. In the third report, visual zone map as projected model of pattern was replaced to visual volume of the objects was searched for interde pendence between recognition distance. Moreover, it was tried to formulate as mathematical model. In this report, visual volume of the object and recognition distance was corresponded and was discussed about meaning of coefficient of each visual object. 1) Foundamental cognition for recognition distance Generally, there are many factors to recognize the object. In this study, size of object, form of object, condition which is the object located, texture of the object, personal differenciation for appearance of the obiect, field of vision and discrimination were chosen as the major factor. 2) Visual object and recognition distance Recognition distance was discussed with interdependence between foundamenta 1 element of space organization and human. 3) The spatial meaning to recognition coefficience of visual object Recognition distance-visual volume of the object and discrimination of visual object was corresponded and the spatial meaning to appearance of object was discussed with appearance coefficience.
- 1972-03-30
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