消滅集落の分布について : 戦後日本における消滅集落発生過程に関する研究 その1
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This article discusses the process of defunct villages after World War II in Japan. The findings of this study are summarized as follows : 1. According to the comparison of different versions of maps (1:50,000) published by Geographical Survey Institute, Figure-3 was acquired. As many as 2922 villages are estimated to have been lost in Japan between the end of World War II, 1945, and the year 1990. 2.Close observation of the maps shows that 2336 (79.9%) of the defunct villages are lost for the reasons of "their general factors", while 586 (20.1%) are lost because of "their particular factors". The particular factors consist of village transfer caused by submergences in dam constructions, village evacuation affected by the locations of other public facilities, and so on. 3.Densities of distribution of defunct villages caused by their general factors reach higher in the southwestern Japan than those in the northeastern Japan. There are some prefectures where the defunct villages resulted from their general factors are distributed more densely. Those prefectures are Wakayama (288 cases/10,000 km, and so forth), Ehime (213), Yamaguchi (195), Toyama (155), Shimane (155), Miyazaki (154), and so on. 4. According to the census, the densities of existing villages classified into the village type of 50 houses or less are higher in the southwestern Japan. At the same time, the densities of defunct villages caused by their general factors are relatively higher in the southwestern Japan than those in the northeastern Japan. There are also large regional disparities in value among prefectures.
- 2003-04-30
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- 消滅集落の分布について : 戦後日本における消滅集落発生過程に関する研究 その1
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