中国における防火設計と法規制に対する設計者の意識調査 : 建築防火法規に関する日中比較研究
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Through the investigation of the architects' concept about fire-proof design and fire-proof codes in three big cities, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, this thesis recognized the current situation of the fire-proof design and made clear how to improve the fire-proof codes further in China. Since the estabishment of Chinese fire-proof codes, they ale always short of scientific basis and force the architects to cany them out. Thus, on one hand, it is difficult to fit in with the technical improvement and the variety of building styles, on the other hand, it has also suppressed the designers to design the 'safe buildings' actively, and has made them depend on the rigid and standardized 'mandatory codes' passively.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1996-04-30
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